Honey by Ravens Run Farm
Ravens Run Bees is a small apiary in the upper Jackson River valley of Highland County. Beekeepers, Rick and Susan Webb, feel privileged to raise bees in a remarkably wild and beautiful area that has abundant natural nectar sources and is distant from chemically intensive agriculture. The Ravens Run Bees forage the slopes of Jack Mountain to gather nectar from flowering trees such as maple, black locust, and basswood. In the fields and pastures below, they gather nectar from thistle, blackberry, clover, and a seasonal progression of other flowering plants. Back in the hives they convert the nectar to a clear and delicate honey – and they make enough to share.
Honey is sold in a 24 oz mason jar.
Ravens Run Bees is a small apiary in the upper Jackson River valley of Highland County. Beekeepers, Rick and Susan Webb, feel privileged to raise bees in a remarkably wild and beautiful area that has abundant natural nectar sources and is distant from chemically intensive agriculture. The Ravens Run Bees forage the slopes of Jack Mountain to gather nectar from flowering trees such as maple, black locust, and basswood. In the fields and pastures below, they gather nectar from thistle, blackberry, clover, and a seasonal progression of other flowering plants. Back in the hives they convert the nectar to a clear and delicate honey – and they make enough to share.
Honey is sold in a 24 oz mason jar.
Ravens Run Bees is a small apiary in the upper Jackson River valley of Highland County. Beekeepers, Rick and Susan Webb, feel privileged to raise bees in a remarkably wild and beautiful area that has abundant natural nectar sources and is distant from chemically intensive agriculture. The Ravens Run Bees forage the slopes of Jack Mountain to gather nectar from flowering trees such as maple, black locust, and basswood. In the fields and pastures below, they gather nectar from thistle, blackberry, clover, and a seasonal progression of other flowering plants. Back in the hives they convert the nectar to a clear and delicate honey – and they make enough to share.
Honey is sold in a 24 oz mason jar.