Subscription - Raw Milk Herd Share from Creambrook Farm

The Jersey cows at Creambrook live outdoors on pasture 365 days a year, enjoying a daily fresh serving of grass during the growing season and stored grass during the winter. All of their feed is 100% non-GMO. Grass is at the center of everything, giving the milk its unique flavor and excellent nutrition. 

Creambrook raw milk is sweet and fresh at least 7 - 10 days and usually 14 days. Unlike its pasteurized counterpart, milk that is raw doesn't "go bad" or rancid. It ages and sours! It's wonderful in baking and in place of buttermilk when it starts to sour. 


Whole Share: provides you with one gallon of milk per week.
One-time cost of $30 to purchase one (1) share + $12.99 per week.
Half Share: provides you with one half gallon of milk per week.
One-time cost of $15 to purchase a half-share + $6.99 per week.

How to Join the Creambrook Herd Share

Step 1. Fill out Foodlore’s Herd Share Registration Form below.

Step 2. Go to Creambrook Farm’s Website to complete your registration and pay for your herd share.
For pickup location: select “Warm Springs— FOODLORE PROVISIONS Pickup Site.”
Select herd share type (whole or half) and number of shares desired.

PLEASE NOTE: Herd Shares MUST be purchased on Creambrook Farm’s website, due to VA State raw milk regulations.
This page is for order tracking purposes only. Subscription is not finalized until payment is made on Creambrook Farm’s website at the link below. 


Register with Foodlore

Please enter your information before continuing on to Creambrook Farm’s website for additional details & payment.